
Bekhudi...a state of "not being one's self"

Location: Boulder, Colorado, United States

What to say...sach hai duniyan waalo ke hum hai anari...

Sunday, January 01, 2006


2005! This has been an signficant year in my life. For better and for worse. 5, for some reason I think that's my #.

I got to know some really good people. I wished I could know some of them more. Got an awesome job. Defened my PhD. HIked and climbed 14'ers . Backpacked, skied, ran Bolder Boulder. Attended ASME conference.

Too bad did not go biking as much as the last year. No cricket too...

I wish I hand met that special someone by now, but oh well...

I don't know what lies in future. I am not sure if I am ready for it. I am playing my part. I am having a feeling it is going to be very different now on. I just hope there are some good things still to come.

Cheers! Good bye 2005 and welcome 2006!