
Bekhudi...a state of "not being one's self"

Location: Boulder, Colorado, United States

What to say...sach hai duniyan waalo ke hum hai anari...

Monday, April 11, 2005

Geet Ramayan

Over many decades now, Geet Ramayan has become "heritage" of marathi people. The beautiful, simple, straightforward langauge and equally touching music makes Geet Ramayan unparalleled.

My favorites to name a few are -
"Kush Lav Ramayan Gati"
"Dasharatha, Ghe he Payasdan"
"Swyamwar zale Seeteche"
"Daivjat dukhe bharata"
" Setu bandha re saagari"

Those who are interested can order the CD on GADIMA.COM


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