
Bekhudi...a state of "not being one's self"

Location: Boulder, Colorado, United States

What to say...sach hai duniyan waalo ke hum hai anari...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Back in the saddle again!

Many times we get intosituations, we seem to find no escape from. It happens more frequently in my research. Every few months I meet a dead end. Nowhere to go. Totally helpless! Sometimes to find out some smarter people have already solved my problem and then what will I do now. I guess, the trick in this situation is "hope". Just keep trying. "Re"search. You will find a way out. Many times get even better ideas. In process you are a more learned person. You got to try as things will not come to you without any effort. And if you try there always are things to discover! I am just telling this to myself so that I will not waste time in cribbing next time I get stuck. For last few weeks, I am stuck with such a problem, and now I at least have some idea why I am failing. Hopefully, I will find some solution. Good thing is I am at least trying. Back in the saddle again! Reading new stuff and understanding new things. I want to remind myself one of my all time favorite dialogs from “shawshank redemption” –

“Remember Red, hope is a good thing. May be the best of the things!”



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